


(Re)Perfecting Perfection: A Crashed NSX Reborn

You spend years building and perfecting your pride and joy, pouring your heart and soul into it, and finally get it to where you want it to be and are able to really enjoy it. It sounds like an absolute dream, right? Well it is, and this is where Jun’s NA1 Honda NSX was at when I featured it in 2015.

But this story doesn’t continue with five years’ worth of driving enjoyment to bring us up to the current day, because in 2016 the unthinkable happened – Jun crashed his NSX at Tsukuba Circuit.

您花费了数年的时间建立和完善自己的骄傲和喜悦,将自己的心灵和灵魂注入其中,并最终将其带到想要的地方并能够真正享受它。听起来像是一个绝对的梦想,对吗?好吧,这就是我在2015年推荐 Jun的NA1本田NSX时所处的位置。

但是,这个故事并没有延续五年的驾驶乐趣,直到今天才得以实现。因为在2016年,不可思议的事情发生了– Jun在筑波赛车场撞毁了他的NSX。

My heart sank when I heard the news. Obviously, my first initial concern was with Jun’s safety, but after hearing that he came away from the incident unscathed, I immediately wondered what state the Honda was in – the model has an aluminum body and chassis after all. Luckily for Jun it wasn’t a total loss, and he reassured me that not only would it be fixed, but that he’d use the opportunity to go for an even more aggressive aerodynamic conversion.


For years, every time I bumped into Jun at an event I’d ask if he was making pROGress. And in between these times I’d message him on Instagram to gently ask how it was all going.

And then one day he messaged me: “It’s done. When do you want to shoot it?”

多年来,每次碰到Jun时,我都会问他是否正在进步。在这两次之间,我会在Instagram上发消息给他, 以温柔地询问一切。

然后有一天他告诉我:“ 完成了。您什么时候要拍摄?”

When Jun arrived at our meeting spot in Futako-Tamagawa early one morning, I was left speechless. He did hint that he’d gone wide-body – or at least wider than what the NSX was previously – but much like his approach to every other area of the car, things were taken a step further.


The easy road would have been to fit an off-the-shelf wide-body kit, but Jun mixed and matched, customized and experimented until he achieved the look pictured in his head, and this is the result.


The exterior starts with a Sorcery front bumper, which moves away from the stock-like look of the Marga Hills item previously fitted and gives the front end a more pronounced set of nostrils right under the pop-up lights. To this, Jun grafted on his very own lower spoiler/undertray constructed in CFRP.

For the front fenders, Jun again traded the original Marga Hills items for Sorcery equivalents, which he then modified to integrate with the retained Marga Hills side skirts. However, the skirts now feature a carbon fiber upper slat to give a nice parallel feel with the lower carbon plate that runs under their entire length.

The more square-shouldered Marga Hills rear fenders remain, but can you tell what Jun did with these? I’ll give you a hint: it took the longest amount of time and effort to get right.

外部从法术前保险杠开始,该保险杠从先前安装的Marga Hills物品的股状外观移开,并在弹出灯下为前端提供了一组更加明显的鼻孔。为此,Jun嫁接到了他自己在CFRP中建造的下部扰流板/底盘。

对于前挡泥板,Jun再次用原始的Marga Hills产品换购了Sorcery等效产品,然后对其进行了修改,以与保留的Marga Hills侧裙结合使用。但是,裙边现在采用了碳纤维上板条,与在整个长度范围内延伸的下碳板具有良好的平行感。

保留了更多方肩的Marga Hills后挡泥板,但您能说一下Jun对这些轮胎做了什么吗?我会给您一个提示:花了最长的时间和精力来实现正确。

While you ponder over that, let’s take a look at the engine.


Opening the cover, it was cool to see a sticker that we handed out 10 years ago is still hanging on strong. Thanks for the continual support, Jun-san.


The Toda 3.1L C30A wasn’t damaged in the accident and Jun was very happy with how it felt; it struck just the right balance between power and response without being too wild. What he has changed is the exhaust, now a RYF GT titanium masterpiece (of which not many have been made) that makes the Honda V6 sing like nothing I’ve ever heard before. Jun also added a little diecast replica of his car on top of the air box for a personal touch.

事故中Toda 3.1L C30A并未受到损坏,Jun对此感觉非常满意。它在力量和反应之间取得了适当的平衡,而又不过分疯狂。他所改变的是排气管,现在是RYF GT钛制杰作(其中很少制造),这使本田V6唱起了我以前从未听过的声音。君还在空气箱的顶部添加了自己的汽车的压铸小品,以营造个人风格。

Sending drive to the rear wheels is the NSX’s original transverse-mounted 5-speed gearbox mated to a shorter 4.4 final drive. To cope with the extra power, and more importantly the extra grip found through the use of wider rubber, the driveline has been beefed up with an Exedy Carbon-R twin-plate clutch and lighter flywheel, and an OS Giken Super Lock 1.5-way LSD. This all combines to give the sort of feel you’d expect in a such a meticulously assembled build.

NSX的原始横向安装5速变速箱与较短的4.4终传动相配合,将动力传递至后轮。为了应对额外的动力,更重要的是,通过使用较宽的橡胶,可以获得更多的抓地力,传动系统还配备了Exedy Carbon-R双片离合器和更轻的飞轮,以及OS Giken Super Lock 1.5路LSD。这些都结合在一起,给您以如此精心组装的外观所期望的那种感觉。

It may have taken a mishap and years to get right, but this is by far the best execution of an NA1 that I’ve ever seen. You can go wild mixing and matching front and rear end aftermarket kit parts all day long, but finding the right balance and creating something cohesive is a far harder task.


If you think the front end looks like a road-going version of the legendary Raybrig JGTC GT500 NSX – especially once the headlights are flipped up – then the rear will send you hunting for the closest box of tissues.

Here Jun has widened and extended the Marga Hills fenders rearward, before ending them with an open vent against the side of the stock body. The new rear bumper is from Burn-Up and has two lower finned side sections that opened up the space for Jun to craft a new carbon fiber diffuser, almost boxing away the exhaust.

如果您认为前端看起来像传奇的Raybrig JGTC GT500 NSX的上路版-尤其是前灯翻转后,那么后端将使您寻找最接近的纸巾盒。

在这里,Jun向后扩展并扩展了Marga Hills挡泥板,然后以一个靠着车身侧面的开放式通风孔将其挡住。新的后保险杠来自Burn-Up,具有两个较低的翅片侧面部分,为Jun创造了一个制造新的碳纤维扩散器的空间,几乎可以将排气塞满。

A true touch of class comes in the form of Esprit’s Type 052 GT wing, which with its centrally-mounted stays looks so much more modern than the previous wing that had its stays mounted on the extremities of the trunk. Jun’s custom LED taillights remain and still look amazing.

Esprit的052 GT型机翼是真正的一流品味,它的中央安装式支撑看起来比以前的机翼安装在行李箱末端的机翼现代得多。Jun的定制LED尾灯保持不变,而且看起来仍然很漂亮。

The interior remains unchanged, a semi-stripped cabin with a Okuyama roll cage adding torsional rigidity and safety at the same time. The Sparco buckets are a pretty extreme choice for daily road use, but they’re very helpful on the track and through the twisty touge stuff.


One of the things that always made this particular NSX stand out to me was its custom dash setup – a Google Nexus tablet dropped into a carbon fiber binnacle with two analogue dials on each side. The tablet runs Defi’s Smart Meter software, which allows for a variety of displays to be created and stored in the memory, instantly bringing the NSX’s cabin into the 21st century.

令我一直与众不同的一件事是它的自定义仪表板设置–将Google Nexus平板电脑放入碳纤维双耳形眼镜中,每侧都有两个模拟拨盘。该平板电脑运行Defi的Smart Meter软件,该软件可创建各种显示并将其存储在内存中,从而将NSX的机舱立即带入21世纪。

As a mark of authenticity, the Advance plaque in the center console reminds everyone who the original builder of the Toda 3.1L stroked engine was.

作为真实性的标记,中央控制台上的Advance牌匾使每个人都回想起Toda 3.1L冲程引擎的原始制造商。

In the suspension department you’ll find Öhlins dampers and Eibach springs, a custom setup pieced together by the guys at Tomiyoshi Racing. Much like everything else on this car, the suspension upgrades aim to achieve that perfect balance between fast road use and occasional track time, and the quality of damping giving the compliance and ability to deal with road imperfections without a jarring ride. It sits perfectly, too.

在悬架部门,您会发现Öhlins减震器和Eibach弹簧,这是由Tomiyoshi Racing的家伙拼凑而成的定制设置。就像这款车上的所有其他产品一样,悬架升级旨在在快速使用道路和偶尔的行驶时间以及减震质量之间实现完美的平衡,从而提供顺从性和处理不完善路面的能力。它的位置也很完美。

I’m a sucker for staggered wheel combos on cars like this, and the 18-inch front and 19-inch rear RAYS Gram Lights 57Xtreme choice is spot on. When heading to the track, Jun swaps these out for a RAYS Volk Racing TE37SL staggered setup (17-inch front and 18-inch rear) wearing Yokohama Advan A050 semi-slicks at all four corners.

我是像这样的汽车上错综复杂的车轮组合的吸盘,并且有18英寸的前轮和19英寸的后轮RAYS Gram Lights 57Xtreme选择。驶向赛道时,Jun将其换成RAYS Volk Racing TE37SL交错式装置(前排为17英寸,后排为18英寸),并在四个角处均装有横滨Advan A050半浮油。

Needless to say, Jun is beyond happy to have his car back on the street, and in my book, with an unrivalled look.


Doing these shots through a busy and high-end shopping district, the car looked so alien in the environment. It was as if some wild race car had been plucked from the circuit and dropped right in the middle of a city.


This NSX project is one that represents the ‘journey’ so well. Years of evolution, experimentation, tribulation and then heartbreak, only to have it come back again and reignite the initial passion.

Jun has achieved automotive enlightenment, if such a thing even exists. That moment in time where you realize that your car may actually be finished. Then again, when I asked the question, Jun was not sure it ever will be. And that’s pretty much any project car summed up. Mind you, what he has created is pretty damn close to perfection in my book.




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