
NAB2015当4K强机佳能C300 Mark II遇上Atomos(佳能c300 mark ii对比c200)

NAB2015当4K强机佳能C300 Mark II遇上Atomos(佳能c300 mark ii对比c200)

【原文内容来自于redsharknews】ATOMOS作为一家专业生产4K监控设备的公司,虽然在此前很少有人知道或关注过这家公司,但最近这家公司来越被大家所关注,其实原因很简单ATOMOS即将发布的新品,将会支持佳能新近发布的佳能EOS C300 Mark II器材。

Atomos is making its 4K monitor recorder, the Shogun, an increasingly attractive option for an increasingly wide audience by once again announcing support for upcoming cameras months before release. Camnera's such as Canon's C300 Mark II.

2015年注定是不平凡的一年,Atomos公司宣布其即将发布的新品Atomos Shogun可以支持佳能全新的4K摄像机C300Mark II。佳能C300 Mark II可以记录4K CFAST卡,当连接Atomos外部录像设备的时候将改用10Bit

1080 60P的分辨率进行视频记录。与此同时4K原片将超过相机RAW输出的视频格式转存入该外设设备上。

For Atomos and the Shogun, 2015 is no different, as the company has announced support for Canon's spectacularly specd C300 Mark II 4K camera. Yes, the camera can record 4K internally to CFast cards, but connecting to the Atomos Shogun external recorder will enable 10-bit 1080 60p recording. 4K RAW support means the recorder takes that RAW output from the camera and dumps it to either ProRes, DNxHR of Cinema DNG 4K (UHD and DCI) up to 30p.

在NAB 2015之前,ATOMOS还宣布其新品Atomos Shogun还支持佳能全新4K新概念摄像机XC10。

Earlier, Atomos also announced Shogun support for Canon's other just announced 4K shooter, the palm-sized, fixed lens XC10. It will be interesting to see if other camera news throughout NAB 2015 will arrive with adjoining Atomos announcements, as the company makes its case for the Shogun as the go-to monitoring and recording option for an ever-widening list of 4K cameras.

更多后续报道,影视工业网也将在NAB 2015正式拉开帷幕之后为大家带来第一手的报道,敬请关注影视工业网以及影视工业网官方微信公众号(微信公众号搜索:ILove107cine)为您带来的独家报道!

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